Friday, August 10, 2018

Should You Wear Underwear With Sports Tights?

It seems that this doubt exists: should we put on underwear under leggings or leggings when we play sports?

Some advocate the use of underwear, while others allude to the benefits of dispensing with it. In part, the debate centers on whether going without panties or underpants are unhygienic or increase the risk of bacterial vaginosis or fungal infections.

 breathable underwear

"These are the two main aspects for which patients are concerned," explains Scott Osmun, an obstetrician, and gynecologist in New York, to HuffPost. "Bacteria and fungi tend to grow in hot, humid places, and I hate to use that word because I do not like it, but it's true." He adds: "Any type of additional moisture in the vaginal area can promote fungal infections or bacterial vaginosis."

Even so, if you're in the league against underwear, there's nothing to worry about either. According to Osman, "it's totally safe not to wear underwear when you exercise."

Dr. Mary Rosser, also an obstetrician and gynecologist, says it is a matter of personal preference. "I tell people: 'Do what is best for you,' he says. "Some people feel they have to carry, the idea of not getting in their heads does not come to mind."

The fabric material, the key
If you prefer to go without ties, you should consider a couple of things when choosing sportswear. Specifically, opts for "a material that lets moisture perspire," says Osmun.

Cotton and lycra are two of the most common options for sportswear, but, according to the expert, bamboo fiber is also effective. Also, some brands use silver fabrics, which reduces the risk of bacterial development and infections, since silver is an antibacterial agent.

Also, make sure that the fabric is "thick enough so as not to catch bacteria from the gym seat," Dr. Raquel Dardik told Greatist. Rosser points out that fine leggings are not always the best option.

In any case, whoever decides to put on underwear should take the same precautions. Osmun recommends breathable underwear with a cotton reinforcement (that crotch pad) to remove moisture from the body during physical activity.

"I would avoid some synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, this material is fine for a jacket if you're on the street and it's cold or raining, but I would not use polyester to exercise," says Osmun. It is also convenient to avoid lace and satin, as they are not breathable and can cause irritation.

After a short session, you have to change your clothes (which will be sweaty) and shower as soon as possible, regardless of whether you wear underwear or not. "Take off those wet clothes, because if that moisture stays in the vaginal area, it can increase the risk of fungal infections," says Rosser, who adds that it also produces uncomfortable friction.

Also, you have to wash your clothes after exercising (do it for you and your gym colleagues), especially if you do not wear underwear.

Yes to underwear, NOT to thong
What is recommended to avoid during sports sessions is the thong. Osmun says: "The material causes more friction and irritation, and this can cause small cuts or microabrasions in the skin, which can end up in bacterial infections, with the discomfort, itching, redness, and pain that they entail. avoid to exercise, it's probably safer to go without underwear than wearing a thong. "

Dr. Jill M. Rabin told: "If you have bacteria on the back of the fabric (E. coli is the most common in the colon) and you are physically active, that material can move. a couple of centimeters, it can reach the vagina or the urethra, that thong can deposit bacteria there. "

If you have to wear a thong at all costs to exercise, Rosser recommends opting for one with a cotton reinforcement to absorb moisture.

If you usually wear them and you have not had any problems, nothing happens, says the expert, "but there are some people more prone to infections, either urinary or vaginal, who probably prefer to avoid thongs."

In any case, Osmun and Rosser coincide in pointing out that neither wearing underwear poses inconveniences nor does it stop wearing it. You just have to choose breathable clothes and fabrics that remove moisture, wash clothes well after each session and, if possible, do without the thongs.